Saturday, May 31, 2008

What Corn on the Cob can do!!!

We had some friends over for dinner last night. We had corn on the cob. Ethan got up from the table and was trying to get us to put on a movie, when I noticed a black hole in his mouth. I asked him where is tooth was He looked at me like "Dah" mom in my mouth. I go to the table and look at the corn that was bloody with a tooth in it. We were a little surprised to say the lest, we were told that with down syndrome he wouldn't loose his tooth until about eight or nine. He lost it at six and half. I hope the rest of his teeth are this easy to come out !!!

1 comment:

ethans first game

ethans first game

Jareds first game

Jareds first game

autumn 3 months old

autumn 3 months old
all smiles

autumn 2 months old

autumn 2 months old

Autumn 1 month old

Autumn 1 month old
she has lungs