Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Last Days at Kindergartan

Ethan is all done with Kindergarten. He had the best teacher ever. I wanted him to stay back cause I liked her so much. They just laughed at me. Any ways He had a little program where they recited poems and sang songs and danced. Ethan was so cute you could actually hear him try to say the words. The poem that he was in was Rain way go away little Ethan wants to play. They had him hold an Umbrella while the other two kiddo's read the poem. He loved it. Then they had field day. Oh how I miss Field day. Popsicles, water, and a lot of fun. He had a busy month. Now on word to the big 1st grade.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Oh, so cute! Isn't it great that our kids get big and go off and do all of these things, sometimes shocks me on what they actually do! Way to go, Ethan!

ethans first game

ethans first game

Jareds first game

Jareds first game

autumn 3 months old

autumn 3 months old
all smiles

autumn 2 months old

autumn 2 months old

Autumn 1 month old

Autumn 1 month old
she has lungs