Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Doug was Laid off!!

Our family life is changing more this week then I could imagine. On Thursday last week Doug was laid off, do to the lack of people buying houses. Luckily for us Doug has seen this coming for a long time now and has had another job in the line up doing commercial welding. So yea he has a job. But as for me he will no longer be phone call away when I need him, or they hey lets get lunch, or the occasional I need help and he would be there. I have taken him for granted these last few years. I am excited to see what tomorrow brings for us. Luckily he has a job.

ethans first game

ethans first game

Jareds first game

Jareds first game

autumn 3 months old

autumn 3 months old
all smiles

autumn 2 months old

autumn 2 months old

Autumn 1 month old

Autumn 1 month old
she has lungs