Saturday, May 31, 2008

What Corn on the Cob can do!!!

We had some friends over for dinner last night. We had corn on the cob. Ethan got up from the table and was trying to get us to put on a movie, when I noticed a black hole in his mouth. I asked him where is tooth was He looked at me like "Dah" mom in my mouth. I go to the table and look at the corn that was bloody with a tooth in it. We were a little surprised to say the lest, we were told that with down syndrome he wouldn't loose his tooth until about eight or nine. He lost it at six and half. I hope the rest of his teeth are this easy to come out !!!

Jareds Summers Starts

Jared's end to his first year of preschool. He has grown so much in the last year. His preschool teacher was great she will be missed. Soccer is also done He has grown so much and has improved this last season There was no tag playing or chasing kids he actually tried to get the ball. He is Great. Now we get to try to keep busy for the next few months.

Autumn the big 5 months

Autumn is growing. She is rolling Semi-setting and eating sold food oh how she loves food. You put her in her chair and the smiles come out.

If I am eating and she is not the temper tantrum comes. It is kind of funny.

Here is some pictures of her all dolled up for the pool.

Little girls are so fun to shop for!!!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Last Days at Kindergartan

Ethan is all done with Kindergarten. He had the best teacher ever. I wanted him to stay back cause I liked her so much. They just laughed at me. Any ways He had a little program where they recited poems and sang songs and danced. Ethan was so cute you could actually hear him try to say the words. The poem that he was in was Rain way go away little Ethan wants to play. They had him hold an Umbrella while the other two kiddo's read the poem. He loved it. Then they had field day. Oh how I miss Field day. Popsicles, water, and a lot of fun. He had a busy month. Now on word to the big 1st grade.

Deaf and Hard of hearing field day

Ethan had field day at Aurora public stadium the beginning of June. So much fun him and Jared got to do bowling, parachute, long jump, golf, running, potato sack racing. They had a good time until the rain/snow came. We ended up leaving early they had a good rest that afternoon.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

house cleaning

Yes I have finally decided to in list the help of my kids to clean the house. We have decided they get allowance for this to get them used to tithing. Each day they each chose three cards out of six and get paid ten cents per card. They include sweeping Vacuuming, unload dishwasher, load dishwasher, set the table and clean of the table. They love it and even do it when not asked so things are good so far.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Mothers Day Book From Jared

Jared made a Mothers day book at school it is really cute.

Me and My mom
I love my mom because...She watches me play soccer.
My moms the best because.. She can fly a kite good.
I love it when my mom... Makes Juice to Drink
My mom thinks I'm Special because.. I help her hang up my clothes.
Happy Mothers Day Love Jared

He is the best. I loved the pictures they make the book.

ethans first game

ethans first game

Jareds first game

Jareds first game

autumn 3 months old

autumn 3 months old
all smiles

autumn 2 months old

autumn 2 months old

Autumn 1 month old

Autumn 1 month old
she has lungs