Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Doug was Laid off!!

Our family life is changing more this week then I could imagine. On Thursday last week Doug was laid off, do to the lack of people buying houses. Luckily for us Doug has seen this coming for a long time now and has had another job in the line up doing commercial welding. So yea he has a job. But as for me he will no longer be phone call away when I need him, or they hey lets get lunch, or the occasional I need help and he would be there. I have taken him for granted these last few years. I am excited to see what tomorrow brings for us. Luckily he has a job.


Beth said...

Oh my goodness. I am so glad he found another job so quickly! How fortunate! Soon I will be closer and you can call me for help or lunch or shopping at the outlets...

Lisa Curtis said...

Woa!! Good thing you guys were prepared! So where is his new job going to be?
See you this summer!

Jaynan said...

I received your Christmas card/letter/photo in the mail today. It will be fun to check up on your cute family. Tell Doug his "other twin" says hello!

ethans first game

ethans first game

Jareds first game

Jareds first game

autumn 3 months old

autumn 3 months old
all smiles

autumn 2 months old

autumn 2 months old

Autumn 1 month old

Autumn 1 month old
she has lungs